A Crow Moon Rises
I'm slowly putting together the next book. This one is going to be a little different. Like Warp Resonance, it will be a collection of short stories rather than a single work. However, Crow Moon will be focused on my fantasy works. The stories will range from romantic to very dark, and I'm arranging their order to be interesting to readers as they change in content and length.
There will be 8 stories, and that's about a short novel's worth of content. I do try to give you, dear readers, value for your money!
Title Honeymooners Milkweed Goddess's Tears A Breath of Air Child of Crows Wild Fae Domovoi's Blessing Goblin Trade
Of these stories, Honeymooners, A Breath of Air, and Wild Fae have never appeared in any form before in public in their totality (snips may have here on the blog). Goblin Trade originally appeared here on the blog, as a gift to dedicated readers. Milkweed, Goddess's Tears, Child of Crows, and Domovoi's Blessing all were published in various places and the copyright has reverted back to me, allowing for me to offer them to readers who may have missed them the first time around (particularly Milkweed, which was published several years ago).
Fans of Pixie Noir should know there is a Lom story in this collection. Goblin Trade is a story of an adventure in his life before the time of Pixie Noir. For those of you who read Possum Creek Massacre and wanted to know what happened next, Child of Crows picks up immediately after the end of that novel.
I'm hoping to have this ready for publication before the end of December, perhaps quite soon. We shall see... At any rate, I have a cover for it.