Anthologies Galore!
This last year was weird, and good, and, well, weird. I wrote a lot more than you all saw from me, but I couldn't talk about it. Now, finally, I can start to reveal some of the secret projects. Three of them, to be specific. I don't think there was any planning in this, but it just happened that three anthologies I will have a story in were publicly announced in the last 24 hours. So with no further ado, here are three covers I'm proud to stand behind.
In more than one way, I'm standing behind them, since two of the covers are my artwork and design.

Supernatural Streets is a collection of Urban Fantasy mystery tales, coming from a select group of authors who already write in the genre and one or two newcomers. You'll find a fresh new story about Amaya Lombard in this, continuing on immediately following Possum Creek Massacre. Child of Crows picks up at the airport and reveals a lot of Amaya's past... but you'll have to read it to find out more! I really had fun creating this cover for the anthology, it was a challenge to evoke the noir, gritty feeling but still pack in the magic. I think I succeeded! Never mess with a pissed-off redhead...

I'm honored to have been invited to submit a story to Rob Howell's collection of high fantasy, sword and sorcery tales, When Valor Must Hold. I'm rubbing elbows with some superb writers. Rob's an amazing editor, and I learned a lot in this experience of writing and honing my story, Goddess's Tears. Set in a new universe, but one I plan to expand, I was strongly inspired by Jirel of Joiry as I wrote this story. The anthology will be released at FantaSci, in March, so keep an eye out on the blog for a tiny snippet and links when the time comes!

Coming on Valentine's Day! A collection of romantic fantasy tales, Hearts' Enchantment has stories that are sweet, spicy, unconventional, but all feature true love. My own tale, the Domovoi's Blessing, is set in Siberia and yes, there is a firebird. I had so much fun writing within the structure of traditional Russian fairy tales while I plotted this story out. I've had a sneak peek at some of the other work, and it's going to be a fun read - even if you 'don't read romances' you should look at this anthology. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. And this is the second of my cover designs, slightly retro, but I think I captured the heart of the idea!