Banana Waffles
This is a super quick and easy recipe, which is why I made it this morning. I wanted something baked and carb-a-licious, but I didn't want to wait for something to bake after I mixed it up. Also, the kitchen is a mess (that's my weekend excitement, how 'bout you?) so I didn't really want to get complex.

Tiny Thai bananas. Different flavor than the ubiquitous Cavendish in every grocery in the US.
Also, I wasn't in the mood for chocolate chips in my waffles. I wanted blueberries, don't have them. The only fruit I had remotely suitable was some odd little baby bananas I'd picked up at Jungle Jim's. The kids shoved them in the fridge, which is not where I usually keep 'nanas, and I forgot they existed. So! Two birds with one stone.
I made a small batch, as the only two people up and willing to eat were my son and I. If you are feeding more, keep in mind this only makes four belgian-style waffles.
I was pleased with how these came out. They satisfied my craving for 'bread' without taking a long time to prepare and cook. Plus, the boy initially turned up his nose at the idea of banana waffles and then went back for seconds. I'll call that a win.

Mashed with brown sugar.