Happy Monday
I'm sitting here, holding my socks in one hand and coffee in the other... how am I typing, you ask? Well, I keep putting my socks down and sipping my coffee and touching the keyboard and repeating it all very very quickly.
Not really. It just feels like that after this weekend. You know it's been a busy one when you are looking forward to going to the Day Job to get away from it all for a few hours. Let's see... We celebrated the Ginja Ninja's 20th birthday. I still can't believe she's that old. I'm not that old. How can my little strawberry-blonde dumpling be all grown up and adulting already? I got to cook a fun meal for her, the family, and her sweetie, and it was a good time. Next year, if all goes to plan, it'll be a phone call. Sigh.

the Ginja Ninja a few years ago with a baby goat in Oregon at her grandma's house
Sometimes I think 'that's the last time...' and it's rough. It's ok, but the transitions are a little choppy to navigate.
Other than that, my weekend was busy because, well, I was working. And not only on writing. I had started a facebook group for my art persona, Cedarlila Art, recently. It was deeply gratifying to do so, as I'd been asked to create a place where people could see my art, and buy my art. As a consequence, all those beautiful people have me busier than ever creating to fulfill commissions and orders. It's... wonderful. A little overwhelming, but so very encouraging.
I do art every day, and that wasn't initially anything more than a hobby. I sold a little here and there, enough to pay for it. And now... I don't know. I'm looking for POD sites that will allow me to get prints to customers who don't want or need original art, but won't require me to invest the time, money, and space to have boxes full of prints lying around. I am still not going to be doing cons. I literally have no time for it. Not with a Day Job and spending my weekends creating and doing any family things I need to do. Which are only going to increase...
We are homeschooling the Little Man this year. He's excited, I'm nervous. But the school couldn't make up it's mind, and I still don't know, five days before school was originally scheduled to start, if we would have in-person classes in September when it is now scheduled to start. The school district has been waffling, and the County has said 'no school in buildings!' and the Little Man did horribly last spring when he was suddenly dumped into an online-only environment. So we filed with the school district, after he and I created his curriculum, and he has already started his studies. One of the things he an I plan are field trips, no less than one a month, on, you guessed it, weekends.
So yes. It's Monday. I'm happy to see it. But now, I'm going to go refill the coffee that has magically disappeared even though I'm typing, and pack something for lunch.
Onward! Upward! and Deeper In!