In my Garden

Dog-day Cicada (Tibicen chloromera) on a Redbud leaf.

An Eastern Forktail (Ischnura verticalis) one of the Narrow-winged Damselflies.

Silver-Spotted Skipper (Epargyreus clarus) on Buddleia spike.
I haven't taken the time... no, scratch that. I haven't had the time to get out in my garden and go bug-hunting this summer. I'll regret that this winter when I am longing for green, and crawly things, and the ability to be out of doors for any length of time. Still, I just don't have the time to take an hour with camera in hand and go stalking. Maybe someday, in a calmer season of life. Until then, I have the photos to remind me that there is something beyond the dark of winter worth waiting for.

A Bee Mimic Fly, one of the Syrphidae, but not the common Hover Fly
Sometimes I just have to remind myself - and you! - to stop and smell the roses while you can. Taking a little time to watch the world move at it's own pace around you, while you capture that in memories against lesser days, that's worth the effort.