Is it Friday?
It’s been a morning. My son woke up late and asked for a ride to work. By the time I’d dressed and thought it through I realized that going home again made no sense.
Drop him off. Get gas in the car. Buy breakfast and coffee and resist the urge for doughnuts. One of the perks of Texas? Kolaches everywhere! Although granted most of them are essentially a hotdog in a roll. But coffee and food were good because then I drove to work and parked and drew quietly for a half hour.
I think the one thing people ask me over and over is how do you do it all? No one seems to believe me when I say I don’t get it all done. But I don’t. I frequently take on more than I ought to. I don’t mean to. I just have an urge to do something, so I do it. Over the years this has led me into some very interesting projects. But don’t mistake me: they don’t all get done. And I am frankly terrible at the routine day-to-day life of housecleaning and dishes and laundry. I get it done. It just sometimes backs up and I have to spend a day catching up, like tomorrow.
On the other hand? I don’t like to waste time. Taking the lost moments and turning them into productive ones has become it’s own art for me. Drawing in the car on my iPad… this isn’t the first episode of that, or even the hundredth. Last year I illustrated the Cute Moose mostly sitting in my car. Put that device down, pick up my phone, and now I’m writing this blog post. If I were sitting in a coffee shop (sadly, none near work) I’d have the Bluetooth keyboard out. Thumbs work, just a bit slower.
So while I am glad it’s Friday, that’s mostly because it means a change in focus, not looking forward to a day off. More’s the pity. But! I have an anthology to edit, a picture book to layout and send for approval, dishes to wash, and bills to pay. That last is what drives me onward, some days. Take care of the family. Worth it, yeah?