June Writing Data
My monthly productivity report.
I was thinking that the whole lockdown quarantine nonsense wasn't affecting me all that much. After all, I go to work every day. I go home. I write. I make art - usually on my lunch break. I take walks with the camera in hand and fall in love - Every. Last. Time. - with the great outdoors.
I wasn't stuck at home, like my First Reader and Little Man were. I was a little envious of all that time to accomplish... anything. Write a novel. Garden. Take a class. Polish my art skills.
Instead, I have the steady routine of work. With the niggling annoyances of masks. Questionnaires that probe my private life outside of work. Needed training postponed until the nebulous 'this is over.' A daily commute that might be easier in less traffic, but without state trooper presence on the highway, the idiots came out in force.
June was, thus, sort of a rolling stressball. The saving grace was the writing retreat. I wound up deciding to take two days off from my daily wordcount. And you'll note that after that dip, and a week of recovery, the wordcount hit new heights. Still, the daily average was down from May. I'm going to keep pushing into July. I'd like to have a novel out this year. I need to figure out the dictation - I've been fighting with it for literally six months now. Gah.
Oh, no stress. Nope. I'm coming up on a whole week off, and since I hadn't planned on vacation (the plant is shutting down for routine maintenance. Involuntary vacation time, but at least it's paid!) I'm going to write until my arms drop off. Muahahaha!
June Totals:
Fiction - 13122 words
non-Fiction - 13454 words
Daily rolling average of Fiction: 415 words
my goal last month was 200 words per day. Other than the two-day break, I made that and more. My goal for July is 500 words per day. We shall see!

And the running Yearly Stats, which make it look like I've peaked. Meh. I'm going to do better. I have to.