Natural World
Is it Monday? No?
Oops. Well, that lasted a long time. Ah, well, I can try to blog daily but I can make no promises. Went for a walk yesterday, and another one today. They cut into my time but they are so rewarding in terms of filling my soul and slimming the body, not to mention the assorted benefits of sunshine.
Parazumia symmorpha, a wasp on Locust blossoms.
A Skipper and a Honeybee share a thistle bloom.
A dragonfly with part of it's larval shed still clinging to it.
Scissor-tailed Flycatchers are beautiful, and common around here.
Polistes exclamans, the Guinea Wasp, is one of the paper wasps.
An Orange Sulfur, Colias eurytheme
A Tachnid Fly, in the Bristle Fly family, and i think you can see why.
Jadera haematolomoa, the Red-Shouldered bug