New Western from JL Curtis
The second in his Bell Chronicles series, JL Curtis has just released Ranching in Colorado. If you enjoy L'Amour, and wish he'd written more, you will definitely want to pick this series up.
A couple of fun notes on this book. The story inside is a good one, I had the privilege of reading some while he was writing it. Which includes having consulted as an SME on one scene. To my amusement, when he asked a room with four women in it a question, all three of the others immediately pointed at me... Anyway, let's just say that having not only done 3 home births, but studying the subject (as I do) came in handy all these years later.
The other has to do with the cover art. Jim and I have gone 'round, gently, a couple of times on his covers. I understand and respect why he does what he does, but it's like fighting with one arm tied behind his back. Fortunately, he's a superb writer so it compensates. This cover came from MidJourney, and his cover designer has done a nice job with it, to my delight.