I plan to support friends, family, and random Indie Authors I like here, from time to time. Some of these I’ve read, some I’m taking on faith as they come from quality folk who write quality stuff. (note that links may be affiliate links. Costs you nothing, helps support my blogging habit)
I know I can’t possibly write fast enough to satisfy all my readers all of the time. Also, a diet of just one author would get boring and I don’t want that for you. Plus, I like helping other people out. Writers, who want to meet readers. Readers, meet a whole bunch of writers you might like! Now, I get to step back and watch the magic happen. Matchmaking - not just for romance stories.
In no particular order, then:
Bearskin by Heather Strickler
Whine in a Box by Holly Chism
A collection of books with the delightful theme of Kindred Spirits (have you read Anne of Green Gables?) which includes MCA Hogarth’s first book in the Dreamhealers series.
Last Call! the last of the Postcard books
A new snippet, and the works of Amanda Green (one of my mentors)
Tomorrow’s Hope, an anthology with several friends and fellow authors’ stories in it
All Will Burn: Fierce Love, an anthology about parents and their love for their children in dire circumstances. My cover on it, fabulous stories by friends in it.
Moggies in Space, another anthology with my cover on it, but more important, great stories like Matt Skaggs’ Red River Boots.
My Name is War by Evan DeShais
Princess Victory Rules, a children’s story from Sarah Arnette
Consider supporting your favorite author, not just by enjoying their work, but telling them so. We thank you!
In reply to the last paragraph in your essay: So! ;-)