The new postcard challenge is open for the weekend!
Email us for a postcard prompt image, and then write your story. There’s no theme for this convention, as it’s a small relaxacon. Have fun! That’s all we can ask for.
And if you’re curious what can happen with the Postcard story submissions, the second of the anthologies is now available on Amazon. Steam-Powered Postcards is the challenge the Three Moms ran over the weekend of the Louisiana’s World Steampunk Exposition and Makers Faire in Lafayette, LA. One month later, the stories submitted are in print alongside the image prompts. This was a really fun one, we wound up with two sets of married couples, and a very young author selling her first story in it.
The great thing about this challenge is that it’s so fun. I love sending out images and seeing the stories that come back. It’s a mental challenge, for writers and non-writers alike, as I have people telling me they ‘don’t write’ but they are willing to give a story this short a chance. You should absolutely try doing it. A full story in fifty words (not more and not less!) is a true mental puzzle.