Pretty Pictures
I did a series once on this blog, years ago, that I called Beautiful America. Debating reviving that, but in the meantime I've been shooting bugs and country roads this month already.
Now, I am not sure what changed, but recently the blog is refusing to allow me to upload full size photo files. Which frankly is a massive PITA because the size it wants is smaller than my cell phone shoots in, much less the good camera. I suspect it is the 'managed Wordpress' hosting. I will say that at least the blog isn't crashing regularly like it did with GoDaddy, so I'm going to leave well enough alone.
But if you'd like to see the pictures in all their high-resolution glory, I've created an album at Flickr. Click on the mantis to take a little trip through my eyes...

I was looking at Flickr. I have over 87K photos uploaded there. There is a reason I pay for 'pro' with them. Most of those aren't public, and don't need to be. It's my storage for all the pictures I've taken for well over a decade, and the majority of them don't need to be showcased. I keep telling myself I should weed out all the sub-par shots... Hah with what time?
If you want to see my daily art feed, that's over at Instagram. I don't post the art every day, but more often than not... especially my lunch art, created after I munch at work. Weekends are usually a bit different!