Saturday Book Display
I was once a librarian... One of the fun things I got to do from time to time was make up a display of books. There's two ways to get a book at the library. All right, there are more. But for the purposes of this post, and brevity: you walk in, you know what you want, and you either find it by looking for the author's name in fiction, or using the card catalog (I miss the old paper ones, snif) to find the proper Dewey decimal designation. Or, you come in uncertain of what you want, and you wander through the stacks. This is where the librarian gets to have fun. We would create displays of books, properly propped on wire holders, or if hardbacks set on a shelf slightly open, and we'd show off the front covers. Spines are useful for the dedicated reader who knows what they want. Fronts, on the other hand...
That's a really long way of me introducing some books I invite you to browse through. Some good weekend reads here. Something you might want to pick up (click, here), flip open to read the blurb, and take home with you.
Happy Reading!

I'm very pleased with my story in this. Have you read it yet?