Status Check
It's Monday, and I'm sitting at the desk feeling like my brain is oozing out through my tearducts. Not really, it's the congestion causing me to weep gently and constantly. You see, it rained...
Which is a good thing and I'm very grateful it did. I love that I can plant a fall garden, and have another harvest before winter sets in. God bless Texas! I now have a little flower bed, and leads on some native shrubs, perennials, and fruits that will navigate the harsh summers better than me importing what I'm familiar with. I'm adapting! And so is my immune system. I hope. Given time, because right now it feels like it's under siege and for the last two weeks I've been quite literally under the weather as everything around me burst into jubilant bloom, pollen, spores and what-have-they for reproduction. It's all part of life but ow, my poor sinuses. I could do with less holes in my head, at least if they're going to keep filling up with mucus.
Settling into life here in Tiny Town has been a joyful process, with the ability to have a community around us, complete with spur-of-the-moment drop in visits. We're getting comfortable with the places where we shop, dine, and in the Little Man's case, go to school. He's doing really well with the classes he's taking, and has been exuberant over being able to drive himself to where he needs to be. It's all good.
The launch of How Not to Shoot Fish has gone really well. I knew it was going to be different, in a non-fiction market, and it was an experiment. I'd say based on the first week's performance, it's a successful experiment! We've already sold 130 copies in ebook and paper, not counting KU readthroughs (we won't see that report until next month). I'm going to ask a huge favor, here. If you've read it, please leave a review. And, if you enjoyed it, please give it a share on your social media or wherever you would talk about a book. I'd love to see this book bring back memories all over, of what hunting, fishing, and taking time to be out in the woods really means. It can be fun! And for most of my authors, a deeply meaningful experience.
I'm continuing to try hard to write consistently. It's not a matter of setting an alarm for a specific time, because there's not a time I can designate every day. I have to squeeze it in where I can, and that makes it really difficult to get my head into the story I'm supposed to be writing. Will continue to hammer at this, though, because I want to be writing. I have stories to tell and characters talking to me.
On the art hand, well, I have MidJourney. I'm having a blast with it, and have clients working with me on making cover art happen. It's a great thing, and it's getting better. It's complicated, and I'm going to talk at length about it soon - short version is that it's a tool, will not replace human artists, but will enable art to take a quantum leap forward.