I just remember as a service man on liberty around the Mediterranean, that after an afternoon of drinking all street food was absolutely delicious.

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I've had lamb in Germany and it's been a few years but I think garlic is your friend and rosemary is not at all optional. I may be misremembering.

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Oh I completely agree with the garlic is my friend! None of the recipes I've looked at talked about rosemary, but I have masses of it in the garden still. So I threw that in there.

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The best recipe I got from an Italian was basically red wine garlic olive oil and rosemary.

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This sounds delicious.

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Will have to try rosemary. For another variation, for a leg, make deep incisions and insert chunks of feta cheese (lamb exhiko).

However, with all respect, there are two herbs that do not dry, namely garlic and ginger. Dried garlic does not digest, a least not well, especially in the elderly (not an issue for young people like you two) and lacks the flavor of real garlic.

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