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Beautifully written!

And I also don't watch the news, and for the same reason.

Lately, I have seen how a grandchild can bring joy in a difficult time, in my life, and in the life of friends. At this moment, Vanessa, is getting quality time with our great-grandchildren, and I think that ought to sustain her as she tends to a friend who has been comatose for several days. Grandchildren don't make the sad things go away, but they do remind us that there is more to life than sadness.

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I often, in these conversations about the whys and whats and woes of the world, end up noting I hope for the best but try to prepare, to the best of my ability, for the worst.

Concerning hope for the best; I lean toward expecting the best, the best from those around me & trying to be and do the best I can myself. The thing is if one expects the worst, it seems that's usually what you experience, what you see, what you get.

On the other hand, yes, when I expect the best of folks and myself I am occasionally disappointed, sometimes extremely so, but such disappointments seem to be few and far between.

On another hand, I quite admit, if you expect the worst, these days you'll seldom be disappointed, but if you approach life with that viewpoint, what else could you expect?

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♥️ Thank you for this, Ms. Cedar. 🙇‍♂️ It reminds me of a quote attributed to the Navajo: “Walk in beauty.” I try and see the beauty and wonder in the world around me even when despair has its arm around my shoulders and is trying to direct my path.

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A masterful piece of writing, and so very needed at times like these. I have not watched newscasts in years for the same reasons as everyone else here- There are SO many Biblical themes that apply to planting bad seed and growing a bad harvest, which to me is like feeding your heart and mind and soul on the toxic and vile stuff vomited forth from the new channels. Yes, they sell only fear, hate, despair, envy and hopelessness with an occasional sprinkling of sexual titillation, so that they can cover all of the basic elements of the human psyche. But we can, as you so wisely point out, CHOOSE to feed our minds and souls with light, and hope, and to rejoice in the good things that surround us, even when we are having a hard time.

I was in a laundromat a year ago, having had a horrible night with no sleep, a headache and just a generally overall terrible feeling, physically and mentally. Suddenly two little girls, maybe four and five, came around the corner from one of the big washing machines, and they hit me with the most incredible glorious smiles that any man could ever hope to see! In only seconds, my life was a thousand times better and the hope and optimism returned like magic! So, THANK YOU for thus uplifting, affirming post today, and please keep up this superb work, Your gifts and talents are a blessing to your readers!

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