Amen, Ms. Cedar. Robert Service was a keen observer who never got his due while alive, IMHO.

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He and Kipling have always been my favorite poets. I added Edgar Guest as an adult. I should probably branch out in my weekly poems, but between those three there is so much material!

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Having chronicled so much hard living in his poetry about Yukon gold prospectors, he knew of which he spoke.

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I grew up in Alaska, my Mom's side of the family has been homesteading up there since before it was a state. Service has always spoken to me deeply, his longing for the wilderness and the killing cold. But he was an astute man who knew what hardship looked and felt like.

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Absolutely wonderful. I must restack this. Thank you so much!

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That's a good one.

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One of my favorites from the Bard of the Yukon.

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