Cedar, this place suits you and I'm glad to read you here as often as you see fit to write.

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There's a lot of good read on substack and so far it's quite catholic. Those running it seem quite willing to allow, encourage, absolutely refuse to silence different opinions, voices, in spite of hit pieces in The Atlantic and Verge.

A lot of excellent writing, fact & fiction but room for the banal, such as my noting it's -37° F., right here, right now. ;-)

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See, now, this is why I can't go home to Alaska again! LOL

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& perhaps part of the reason Texas is a really good fit for you. Texas weather; you don't like it? No worries it'll change in five minutes. Here, as you remember, it'll change, maybe, in six months. grin

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That part I could live with... no, I have cold-triggered asthma. The last couple of winters in New England were interesting. Being able to breathe is kinda important.

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Have fun and please continue to share your fun. :grin:

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My friend, I'll follow you anywhere.

But not in a creepy, stalkerish way!

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LOL! All my love to Lissa, and I miss seeing you guys in person.

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Keep writing dear woman! This is a good place to do it, and we are all enriched by the thoughts and art that you spin out and share with us. The joy that it brings you makes it more flavorful for us. Share what you can, where you can, and we shall receive it with the joy that you place into it.

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I find that routine blogging helps grease the skids. You know how sometimes you need to prime the pump? Yeah, a blog post can work that way for me. It doesn't have to be tremendously entertaining or world shaking, after all. If I can crank on that faucet and write a few hundred words about this, that, or the other thing, then moving on to the latest WIP is just shifting my thoughts around a bit.

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Oh, absolutely. I've used the blog as a warm-up exercise many times.

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I'm thinking I'm going to do the same thing. Keep my website for books and other such things. Write other stuff on substack. Now I just have to get off my butt and deal with it.

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Nice article, and I empathize, but your images look AI generated. Not all technology is a benefit to mankind.

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I’m glad to have followed you on your epic journey through life, and of course will continue to follow you here.

(I still remember when you ever-so-shyly portrayed yourself as the “lady in red” so long ago! 😉 You’ve come a long way, my friend!)

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Glad to be here and in a small way supporting you.

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