"It's not realistic. There's no connection to my everyday life..."

Which is kind or why I like movies packed with over the top, absolutely unbelievable sex(iness) and gratuitous violence such as Sin City and Kill Bill . On the other hand I am uncomfortable with such as Silence Of The Lambs where there, but for the grace of God, is my next door neighbor.

The two fictions, rereads, I've open now are Mary Renault's The Bull From The Sea and Mona Lisa Overdrive by William Gibson. Both no connect to life every day, one not realistic the other, maybe, one sword, the other cyberpunk sorcery .

Sword and Cyberpunk Sorcery, hum, if a certain publishing house were to put together such an anthology and you do the cover and art therein...

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Yes! Your description is exactly what I want. I don't want deconstructed tropes; I want the Real McCoy.

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