Sitemap - 2023 - Cedar’s Substack

We Rise, Undaunted

Need Books?

Books for Sale, Books on Sale

O Christmas Tree


Gingerbread Recipe

Just So

Doing it with Dice


Squeeze the Moonbeams Lightly: Odd Prompt

Odd Prompts: The Kitten

Reading at All Ages

Ambiguous Grief

Odd Prompts: A Juicy Big Tomato

Time Travel

Odd Prompts: Strange New World

Odd Prompts: Running Into Time

Stubborn is a Survival Trait

Odd Prompts: Beware the Pink

Spooky Book Release!

New Release! Groundskeeper: My Ghoul

Groundskeeper in Progress: 9

Groundskeeper In Progress: 8


Odd Prompts: Autumn's Guardian


Clothed in Mystery

Groundskeeper in Progress: 7

Groundskeeper in Progress: 6

Coming Undone

Ask a Stupid Question

N'Inktober 2023

Groundskeeper in Progress: 5

The Mythos of AI

Lift Your Eyes Up

Groundskeeper Tale! Now out...

It's Complicated

Odd Prompts: Stylized Work

Out of Order Snippet

Groundskeeper in Progress: 4

Castle Walls

An Art Diversion

Pleasure Reading

Antelope Horns: A Cookie

Odd Prompts: No Don't Stop


Odd Prompts: Design of Ages

Groundskeeper in Progress: 3

Groundskeeper in Progress: 2

Odd Prompts: Coming Home

Rewarding Work


Men, Too

Chicken Salad: Maybe a Recipe

Off Center

A Strange and Unyielding Place

Story Challenge

Postcard Challenge

A Naturalist Observes

Blushing Jenny: Cocktail

Changing keys

Small Worlds

Buckle Up, Buttercup

The Joys of Kitten

The Custard Formula

Nameless Drink

Work-Work Balance

Odd Prompts: Crickets


Putting forth suggestions

The Brioche Formula

Sowing Seeds

Books, Books!

Creating a Person

A Mother's Purpose

A new start

Bug Safari


You Might Learn Something

Falling into Place

Odd Prompts: Committing Commerce

An Insufficiency of Oomph


Embracing Nightmares


Reclamation of Home

Odd Prompts: A Single Flap


First Fruits

Pickle Beer

Shrimp and Grits: First Attempt


Odd Prompts: Mice at Play

Natural World

No Flowers

Spring Cleaning

Easy Breezy

Twas a Dark and Stormy Morning

On Wednesdays

Odd Prompts: Slither

The Library Guardian

Postcards! Ask me for one...

Steam-Powered Postcards and an Open Call

The Joy Contagion

In the Garden

Carrot Cake

With a Twist

Balance and Indulgence

Odd Prompts: The Mad Botanist

Sunday Evening

And Another Thing...

Book Review: Texas Fruit & Vegetable Gardening

Odd Prompts: Let the Air In

Coming soon

Bug Safari

Hope Springs

Postcards and Books

Invasion of The Cyoots

Coconut Cream Pie

Cranky Pants

Odd prompts: The Meeting

Steam-Powered Postcards

Exercise in Frustration

Saturday Supper

The Squeaks Caper

Calculated Writing

Odd Prompts: Preparations

The Squeaks Caper

Spice Coffee Cake

Book Review: Red Wolf

All the Things

A Dog-Shaped Hole

Chat and Support!

It's going to be soon

Virtual Recipe Box: Tabbouleh

Three Moms of the Apocalypse

Process of Elimination

Cat Chat

Odd Prompts: MidJourney Styles

Cover Reveal: But Not Broken

Odd Prompts: Flick

Feeling Dumb

Orange Blossoms

Mutual Aid and Comfort

Odd Prompts: Monday Morning

New Host

Odd Prompts: Catch

Musing on Motherhood

Cheesy Breakfast Skulls

Odd Prompts: Everything

Winter Garden

Bibliophilia: Companion Library

Pushing Books

Home and New Year

Odd Prompts: Snip