Sitemap - 2015 - Cedar’s Substack

On the Road Again

Safely Traveled

Eat This While You Read That: Kal Spriggs


Lassie Moment

Restaurant Review: Cincinnati's Brew House

Indie Author Christmas Sale!

Top 100 Military Science Fiction Books

New Release!

Eat This While You Read That: LB Johnson

Chocolate Pudding Pie

Research and the Art of Enough

Inktail & Friends

Review: Art Books Part II

Eat This While You Read That: Anita Young

One More Day


Eat This While You Read That: Jeff Duntemann

Review: Art Books, Part I

Time is fleeting

A Matter of Scheduling

Eat This While you Read That: L Jagi Lamplighter

Laboratory Instruments

Unmessy Painting

Question for you

Cake For Breakfast

Put it on my Tab

Leftover Cranberry Sauce Scones

Review: Trader's Tales

Eat This While You Read That: JL Curtis

Working up to Writing

Apple Brown Betty

All Creatures Great and Small

Caffeine in Coffee

The Days you Don't write about



Eat This While You Read That: Ryk Spoor

the dilemma of being human


Raindrops on Juniper

Review: Son of the Black Sword

Deep Breath

Broad Reading

Review: Her Brother's Keeper

Eat This While You Read That: Clair Kiernan

Love of Learning

Mocha Morning

Eat This While You Read That: Pam Uphoff

Saturday Morning link roundup

Halloween Sale!

It's Back

Brushstrokes III

Reading to Write

Darkside Cookies II: The Prequel

Darkside Cookies

And the books lie in mouldering heaps

Review: Aggregation

It's all Literature

Eat This While You Read That: Lou Antonelli

Brushstrokes II

The Princess and the Beauty



Eat This While You Read That: Lars Walker


Pursuit of Polymath

Rice: Part One - the Basics

Defending fiction

Review: Pack Dynamics

Eat This While You Read That: Jason Cordova

Art Manipulation

Writing in Public I

30 Ways to be A Modern Woman

A List of Books for Big Boys

Eat This While you Read That: Tom Rogneby

Happiness Is...


Chicken and Waffles

What's in a review?

State of the Writer's mind: Jello

Eat This While You Read That: Leo Champion

Mad Scientist's Apprentice: Sticky Data

The Sheep and the Goats

Blast from the Past: Writing with Hope

Writing Human Wave

Kitchen Musings

Review: Via Serica

The Ig Nobels

Eat This While You Read That: Dan Hoyt

A Goldenrod Soldier

In the Shadows

One down, one to go

Writing, Communication, and Administrivia

Pleasantly Fluffy Reviews

the Wonders of Modern Technology

Mad Scientist's Apprentice: Math

Diagnosis and Repair

The Emergency Holographic Korean Restaurant

2nd Annual Indie Author Labor Day Sale

There was a delay

Jade Star Snippet 5

Eat This While You Read That: Lloyd Behm

Limenitis arthemis


Review: Prime Pantry

Muzzled Redux

Review: Slavery among the Indians of the Northwest

Jade Star Snippet 4

Eat This While You Read That: Rob Howell

Hunting Bugs


This Puppy has been Muzzled

Hush, Puppies, Hush

Morning Miscellany

Blast from the Past: Sheer Twaddle

Jade Star: Snippet 3

Eat this While you Read That: James Young

Writing under Duress

Welsh Rabbit: Cheese, it's Good

Insert Tab A...

Review: Chicken Feet and Comfort Reading

Jade Star: Snippet 2

Eat This While You Read That: Michael Hooten

Breaking the Block: Jade Star Snippet 1

An Unusual Review: Solutrean Atlantis

Dashing out the Door

Review: Trial by Fire

Rain Falling

Eat This While You Read That: Michael Z Williamson

How to Make Butterfly Hairsticks

To the Stars!

Wild Boar Seekh Kebabs

On the Road Again

Review: Death's Doors

Free Story: Girl Talk

Eat This While You Read That: David Weber

More Wedding Photos


Taking a Deep Breath

Review: A Lake Most Deep

Audiobooks and the Art of Reading Aloud

Eat This While you Read That: Larry Correia

Website Problems

We've all been Buffaloed

We Have Winners!

Kangaroo Pot Pies

How to Win as Writer

Review: Scent of Metal

Win a signed book!

Eat This While You Read That: Chris Nuttall

Little Pluto

Distress, Disruption, and the Artist

No Smoker? No Problem!

Review: Bane of the Dead

Zucchini-Apple Bread

I am what I read

Summer Fun with Science!

Eat This While You Read That: Sabrina Chase

Wedding Photos

Rounding Up

Dwarven Bread

Reviews: Sleeping Duty and Minivandians

The Snippet is a Lie

Elrod Falls

State of the Writer

LibertyCon 28 AAR

Guest Post: Physics as it relates to human issues, or Potential energy vs work.

All Good Things

LibertyCon Morning

It's Friday? When Did that Happen?

Here's the Good Stuff...

Dragon Flight

ETWYRT: William Lehman

Day One: Cumberland Gap

Guest Post: Controlled violence, or things that go Bang

Get out and Vote!

Happy Father's Day, Dad!

Graphic Stuff

Book Hoarding and Other Delights

A Small Resolution

ETWYRT: Stephen Simmons

The Rational, Thinking Woman

Letter-Writing Campaign


Geek Girl

Review: Space Doctor


Are Women Human?

Accusations and Consequences

ETWYRT: Kate Paulk

Making a Big Boom

Nose Art

Tor Clarification

It's not personal, it's business

Fear and Loathing at TOR

Review: Forge a New Blade

A Fine and Piquant Snark

Weary and Worn, yet still Flying

ETWYRT: Mackey Chandler

Gold-Plated Misogynist

Question Especially Yourself

Monday Morning Links of Interest

Gone Balloonin'

Sometimes it doesn't work

Unnatural Foods

Bonnet's Books

ETWYRT: John Ringo

Art in Three Dimensions

Memorial Day in Photos

Angeled Eggs

Review: Here Be Dragons

Review: Mercy Thompson

Bright and Early

Eat This While You Read That: Mark Alger

Art: Taking the next step



Rebooting my Brain

Blast from the Past: Parenting and Books

Blast from the Past: Rage Against the Darkness

Blast from the Past: Porn Positions

Exigent Circumstances

Blast From the Past: Endings and Lengths

Blast from the Past: Building Blocks

Blast From the Past: Biases and Assumptions

Blast from the Past: Etymology

Blast From the Past: Fling Open the Gates

Blast from the Past: Pulp SF Poetry

Blast from the Past: Immature Vs Mature

Blast from the Past: Intimacy for a Lifetime

Blast from the Past: Kinetic Stories

The Final Stretch

Empanadas and Bunuelos

Musing on Muses

Free Story! Get your copy now...

Writer's Heaven

Blind Justice Texting on Her Phone

Linky Goodness

Fast Forward a Day

Central American Food

Literary Criticism

Damsels in Distress?

Review: One of Each

Taking Counsel

ETWYRT: Tom Kratman

Drawing, photos, and other artistic endeavours

A Little Circus

Under a Big Tent

It's not a Beauty Contest

A Walk in the Woods

An Author at a Con

a Pro at a Con

Cop Tales: Three Reviews

Random Nibbles

A Dearth of Privacy


Fan Writers

Egads! It's Late

The Starter List of Science Fantasy

Review: Predatory Practices


Reading Material

ETWYRT: Toni Weisskopf

The Fan Reaction

Celebrity Science

With Many Thanks

Half Eclipsed

The Great Big Handy-Dandy MHI Group Book List

Stark Contrasts

Reading Material

A Fear Factor

Morning Has Broken


Review: Girly Stuff

An Alternative Point of View

18 Hard Science Fiction Books

Beer, Whiskey, and Cigars

What is Hard Science Fiction?

Dragon Noir is live!

Review: Jim Butcher

Dragon Noir: Snippet 10

Reading at the Table

Artists Have Layers

Destruction Brings Creation

Spring Break

No Time!

Millennicon Schedule

Curmudgeon Review: Camelot in Space

Dragon Noir: snippet 9

Kids Review: Fever and Gilly Hopkins

Salad, School, and other Infinite Variables

Graphite on Paper

Is this... Morning?

Cake for Breakfast

Happy Pi Day Recipe!

Finding a New Book to Read

Review: Agatha H

Dragon Noir: Snippet 8

Coffee in the Fog

Food Photography Challenges

On Women and Writing, and Science

Eat This While you Read That: Sarah Hoyt

Getting it Easy

Saturday Morning Tabs

Curmudgeon Reviews: Big Red

Dragon Noir: Snippet Seven

Dragon Noir: Snippet 7

3 Easy Steps to Load a Book on Your Kindle

Coconut Meringue Pie

Livestock Resources for Further Research

Eat This While you Read That: Amanda S Green

Making Stock of Things

This and That

Selecting and Breeding Chickens for Colonists

Lessons Learned

Testing, Testing

Under Construction

Dragon Noir: Snippet Six

Be the Clapper

Review: Hand of God

Science Fiction Question

Guns in Fiction: More Useful Information

Eat This While you Read That: Marko Kloos

Dragon Noir is Finished!

It's the Little Things

It's the Little Things

Review: Martian Aria

Dragon Noir: Snippet 5

A Declaration of Purpose

A Different Angle


Eat This while you Read That: Schlock Mercenary

Reporting In

Curmudgeon Review: Skin Game

Dragon Noir: Snippet 4

Into the Wild Blue

Snowflake Photography

Choices for Readers

Eat This While You Read That: Peter Grant

Enter Title Here...

Curmudgeon Review: Into the Hinterlands

Dragon Noir: Snippet 3

A Confluence of Art and Writing

Hugo Nomination Time

The Homeschooled Adult

Sometimes it's not About the Food

Sometimes it's not About the Food


Indie Authors Represent

Review: I'm Just Here for the Food

Review: I'm Just Here for the Food

Dragon Noir: Snippet 2

Be the Bojum! -Charlie Martin

Whirled Peas and Tomatoes

State of the Art

Guest Post by Declan Finn

All-American Apple Pie

Reading, Writing, and...

Review: Agent Carter

Dragon Noir: Snippet One


How you can aid the valiant SAD PUPPIES 3 campaign!

Moss Gathers

Writing with Emotion

The Breakfast Blog

Piracy and Prints

Review: Bureau of Substandards

Join Arms and March

The Right to Speak Freely

The Eyes Have it

10 Awesomely Geeky Hats You can Make

On Writing

Pad Thai

Mad Geniuses: The Musical

Review: Proof of Our Resolve

Freedom Lives

Je suis Charlie


One-Eyed Dragon

New Author Bio

A Curmudgeon on Classics

"Microaggressions", "Trigger Warnings", and the New Meaning of "Trauma"

Saag Paneer

Museum Books and More

Airplane Reading

Safely Home